Gold Buying

We buy and sell gold
The Prospectors Patch has been buying and selling Gold from recreational detectorists right on through to the hard core gold prospectors for many years. A major factor in our success and great customer satisfaction in this area is our accuracy with regards to assaying. We don’t rely on guesswork.
We have invested heavily in state-of-the-art precious metals assaying equipment which completely eliminates any guess work from normal gold buying procedures. This means we can provide the most accurate assessment of your finds and calculate the highest possible return for your efforts, every time.
Due to our extensive market knowledge, we can assess the potential market value of your nuggets and pay a premium for large or unique gold specimens.
Perhaps you are interested in converting your finds into goods and services? This can be arranged during your assay visit – please just ask!
Assaying services are strictly by appointment only. If you would like to put us to the test you can contact us today
Ph: 08 92508998
Email: info@prospectorspatch.com.au
Please note: We only buy natural (primary) gold.